
Is Any Contact Between A Patient And A Provider Of Service

  • Periodical List
  • Ochsner J
  • v.x(1); Spring 2010
  • PMC3096184

Ochsner J. 2010 Spring; ten(1): 38–43.

Doctor-Patient Advice: A Review

Jennifer Fong Ha

*Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands, Western Australia

Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia

University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia

Nancy Longnecker

University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia


Effective doctor-patient advice is a fundamental clinical office in building a therapeutic physician-patient relationship, which is the heart and art of medicine. This is of import in the delivery of loftier-quality health intendance. Much patient dissatisfaction and many complaints are due to breakup in the md-patient relationship. All the same, many doctors tend to overestimate their ability in communication. Over the years, much has been published in the literature on this important topic. Nosotros review the literature on doc-patient advice.

Keywords: Benefits, advice, physician-patient relationship, review, strategies


"Medicine is an art whose magic and creative power take long been recognized as residing in the interpersonal aspects of patient-physician human relationship."one

A doctor's advice and interpersonal skills encompass the ability to gather data in club to facilitate accurate diagnosis, counsel accordingly, give therapeutic instructions, and establish caring relationships with patients.2–4 These are the core clinical skills in the practice of medicine, with the ultimate goal of achieving the best event and patient satisfaction, which are essential for the effective commitment of wellness care.5,6

Bones advice skills in isolation are insufficient to create and sustain a successful therapeutic doctor-patient human relationship, which consists of shared perceptions and feelings regarding the nature of the problem, goals of treatment, and psychosocial support.two,seven Interpersonal skills build on this bones advice skill.2 Appropriate communication integrates both patient- and doctor-centered approaches.4

The ultimate objective of whatsoever doctor-patient communication is to improve the patient'south health and medical care.2 Studies on dr.-patient communication have demonstrated patient discontent fifty-fifty when many doctors considered the communication adequate or even excellent.8 Doctors tend to overestimate their abilities in communication. Tongue et al9 reported that 75% of the orthopedic surgeons surveyed believed that they communicated satisfactorily with their patients, just just 21% of the patients reported satisfactory communication with their doctors. Patient surveys have consistently shown that they want better communication with their doctors.2

The principles of patient-centered medicine date dorsum to the ancient Greek school of Cos.10 However, patient-centered medicine has not e'er been mutual practice. For example, in the 1950s to 1970s, well-nigh doctors considered it inhumane and detrimental to patients to disclose bad news because of the bleak treatment prospect for cancers.xi,12 The medical model has more recently evolved from paternalism to individualism. Information exchange is the dominant advice model, and the health consumer movement has led to the current model of shared determination making and patient-centered communication.6,7,thirteen–15

BENEFITS OF Constructive Communication

Effective doctor-patient advice is a primal clinical function, and the resultant communication is the heart and art of medicine and a primal component in the delivery of health care.7,eight,xvi The 3 principal goals of current doctor-patient advice are creating a good interpersonal human relationship, facilitating commutation of data, and including patients in conclusion making.4,7,eleven,17 Effective doc-patient communication is determined by the doctors' "bedside manner," which patients gauge as a major indicator of their doctors' general competence.i

Good doctor-patient communication has the potential to assist regulate patients' emotions, facilitate comprehension of medical information, and allow for meliorate identification of patients' needs, perceptions, and expectations.4,7,17 Patients reporting expert communication with their doc are more likely to be satisfied with their care, and specially to share pertinent information for accurate diagnosis of their problems, follow communication, and adhere to the prescribed treatment.1,half dozen,7,ix,14,16,18–23 Patients' agreement with the doctor well-nigh the nature of the treatment and demand for follow-up is strongly associated with their recovery.10

Studies have shown correlations betwixt a sense of control and the power to tolerate pain, recovery from illness, decreased tumor growth, and daily operation.xvi,20,24 Enhanced psychological adjustments and better mental health have besides been reported.6,10,xvi,25,26 Some studies accept observed a decrease in length of hospital stay and therefore the cost of private medical visits and fewer referrals.1,27

A more patient-centered run into results in better patient also as doctor satisfaction.1,5–7,9,13,15,18,nineteen,22,25,26,28–30 Satisfied patients are less likely to order formal complaints or initiate malpractice complaints.1,five,9,nineteen,22,28 Satisfied patients are advantageous for doctors in terms of greater job satisfaction, less work-related stress, and reduced burnout.4,26

THE Issues

There are many barriers to good communication in the doctor-patient human relationship, including patients' feet and fearfulness, doctors' burden of piece of work, fear of litigation, fear of physical or verbal corruption, and unrealistic patient expectations.31

Deterioration of Doctors' Communication Skills

It has been observed that advice skills tend to decline as medical students progress through their medical educational activity, and over time doctors in grooming tend to lose their focus on holistic patient care.32 Furthermore, the emotional and physical brutality of medical training, particularly during internship and residency, suppresses empathy, substitutes techniques and procedures for talk, and may even issue in derision of patients.32

Nondisclosure of Information

The doctor-patient interaction is a complex process, and serious miscommunication is a potential pitfall, especially in terms of patients' understanding of their prognosis, purpose of care, expectations, and involvement in treatment.12 These important factors may affect the choices patients make regarding their treatment and end-of-life care, which can have a significant influence on the disease.33 Good communication skills practiced by doctors allowed patients to perceive themselves as a total participant during discussions relating to their health.10 This subjective experience that influences patient biology is the "biology of self-confidence" described by Sobel, which emphasized the critical role of patients' perception in their healing process.34

Doctors' Avoidance Behavior

There are reported observations of doctors avoiding discussion of the emotional and social touch of patients' problems considering it distressed them when they could non handle these issues or they did not accept the time to do so adequately. This situation negatively affected doctors emotionally and tended to increment patients' distress.26 This abstention behavior may upshot in patients being unwilling to disembalm problems, which could delay and adversely bear upon their recovery.26

Discouragement of Collaboration

Physicians have been found to discourage patients from voicing their concerns and expectations as well as requests for more than information.32 This negative influence of the doctors' behavior and the resultant nature of the doctor-patient communication deterred patients from asserting their demand for information and explanations.32 Patients can feel disempowered and may be unable to achieve their wellness goals.32 Lack of sufficient explanation results in poor patient agreement, and a lack of consensus between md and patient may lead to therapeutic failure.32

Resistance by Patients

Today, patients have recognized that they are not passive recipients and are able to resist the power and expert authority that society grants doctors.35 They tin can implicitly and explicitly resist the monologue of information transfer from doctors by actively reconstructing proficient information to assert their ain perspectives, integrate with their knowledge of their ain bodies and experiences, besides every bit the social realities of their lives.35 Being attentive to social relationships and contexts will ensure that this information is received, and virtually importantly, acted on.35 Lee and Garvin35 asserted that inequality, social relations, and structural constraints may be the most influential factors in wellness care. This was illustrated in their report when female person patients from a lower socioeconomic demographic in the Appalachian region of the United States modified advice to avoid sun exposure and, by taking into business relationship societal pressures that equated tanned pare with dazzler, connected tanning despite noesis of the risks associated with sun exposure and skin cancer (Effigy). The study by Lee and Garvin35 demonstrates the need to take into account social factors in the production, dissemination, and use of knowledge.

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Example of influences that a patient takes into account on the doctor'southward advice.


Advice Skills

Communication skills involve both style and content.36 Attentive listening skills, empathy, and use of open-ended questions are some examples of proficient communication. Improved medico-patient advice tends to increment patient involvement and adherence to recommended therapy; influence patient satisfaction, adherence, and health care utilization; and meliorate quality of care and wellness outcomes.7,37

Breaking bad news to patients is a circuitous and challenging communication chore in the do of medicine.12 Human relationship building is peculiarly of import in breaking bad news.17 Important factors include understanding patients' perspectives, sharing information, and patients' knowledge and expectations.12,38 Miscommunication has serious implications, equally it may hinder patients' understanding, expectations of treatment, or interest in treatment planning.12 In addition, miscommunication decreases patient satisfaction with medical care, level of hopefulness, and subsequent psychological adjustment.12

Baile et al12 reported that patients often regard their doctors as ane of their nigh important sources of psychological back up. Empathy is one of the most powerful means of providing this support to reduce patients' feelings of isolation and validating their feelings or thoughts as normal and to exist expected.

Communication Preparation

Doctors are not built-in with excellent communication skills, as they have different innate talents. Instead they can empathize the theory of skillful doc-patient communication, learn and practice these skills, and exist capable of modifying their communication mode if at that place is sufficient motivation and incentive for self-sensation, cocky-monitoring, and training.11,25 Communication skills training has been institute to improve physician-patient communication.39,40 Even so, the improved behaviors may lapse over time.28 It is therefore important to exercise new skills, with regular feedback on the acquired behavior.28 Some have said that medical instruction should go beyond skills training to encourage physicians' responsiveness to the patients' unique experience.10

Collaborative Communication

Collaborative communication is a reciprocal and dynamic relationship, involving the 2-way substitution of information.41 In an ideal world, doctors should collaborate with their patients to provide the all-time intendance because doctors tend to brand decisions based on quick assessments, which may be biased.41 This requires the doctors to take time or fix opportunities to offer and discuss treatment choices to patients and share the responsibility and control with them.7,11 Successful data exchange ensures that concerns are elicited and explored and that explanations of treatment options are balanced and understood to allow for shared decision making.vii,11,14,42 In this arroyo, the dr. facilitates discussion and negotiation with patients and the treatment options are evaluated and tailored to the context of the patients' situation and needs, rather than a standardized protocol.vii,11,42 Care options demand to be collaborative betwixt dr. and patient, taking into account patient expectations, issue preferences, level of risk credence, and any associated cost to maximize adherence and to assure the best effect.32

Conflict Direction

Feudtner41 described situations in pediatric palliative care in which the cause of conflicts was often not expressed. The root source was ofttimes unspoken and thus unclear or unknown to i or even both parties, which generated feelings of discord. Disharmonize is frequently a challenging situation as it can evoke feelings of helplessness, frustration, defoliation, anger, dubiousness, failure, or sadness.11 The dr. should recognize these feelings and develop skills to identify problematic responses in the patient or themselves to de-escalate the situation and enable the relationship problems to be turned into a clinical success.11

In addition to minimizing avoidance behavior, which prevents patients from expressing opinions, constructive doctor-patient advice should involve productive conversation, which involves understanding of both parties' perspectives, past shifting from a perspective that is rigidly certain of one's conventionalities to a more exploratory approach that strives to understand the situation from some other perspective.41 Recognizing the impact of patient reciprocation of advice and affect in a medical visit is important every bit it may aid create positive exchanges to defuse negative patterns.25

Health Beliefs

Beliefs and values affect the medico-patient relationship and interaction.ix Divergent beliefs tin affect health care through competing therapies, fear of the health intendance organisation, or distrust of prescribed therapies.37 This perception gap may negatively touch on treatment decisions and therefore may influence patient outcomes despite advisable therapy.17 Although doctors use a biomedical model to sympathize illness, patient behavior and values are influenced by social and behavioral factors as well equally biology or anatomy.17

It is important to identify and address perceived barriers and benefits of treatment to improve patient adherence to medical plans by ensuring that the benefits and importance of handling are understood.17 Doctors should understand patients' functional pregnant of affliction, as well every bit the human relationship pregnant and symbolic meaning, followed by a summary of this information and telling the patient the problem from the doctor's perspective and, finally, asking the patient to summarize what was said.17 Understanding between doctor and patient is a central variable that influences upshot.17

Patients construct their own version of adherence according to their personal world views and social contexts, which can consequence in a divergent expectation of adherence do.9,13,xv Good doctor-patient communication is a mechanism used to gain an understanding of patients' social context, expectations, and experience.ix,xiii,42 With collaborative communication, a item condition, perspective, or fact can be identified, allowing for a view from a different perspective, drawing attention for a improve cess and the subsequent treatment.41 In this model, effective doctors admit and respect patients' rights to make decisions and choices.13


Clinical enquiry will guide improvements in determining best do. Randomized controlled trials are able to effectively control bias and take a chance in evaluating efficacy. However, this is easier said than done in terms of investigations of communication. A majority of the studies reported in this review were cross-exclusive.7 However, doctor-patient relationships are frequently long term, involving multiple visits, and this may limit the generalizability of the studies.

The approaches used in assessing doc-patient communication and health outcomes in the literature are shown in the,30 Behavioral and observational components involve recordings to evaluate the actual medical encounter and analyze it in club to code behavior based on one of the observational instruments with respect to task and socioemotional behaviors.7,14,30 The patients' perception measures are assessed via surveys to charge per unit frequency, occurrence, or other elements of medico behavior.vii,fourteen,43 Patients' perceptions may have a greater impact on their own outcomes than doctor beliefs, but their perceptions are subjective and discipline to bias, and patients may be influenced past other factors such as their health status and state of heed and may not accurately reflect the reality of the consultation.vii

Approaches in Assessment of Doc-Patient Communication

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Comparisons betwixt studies are hard as numerous tools are bachelor merely no single tool is completely satisfactory. Different studies employ combinations of different tools for this reason. In addition, items are generated for measurement of patient perceptions without predefined categories of doctors' behaviors.7

Qualitative measures, although difficult to judge, tin can provide a deeper understanding of patients' subjective perceptions. Clinically the most easily quantified outcomes are physiological measures, but these may not exist possible in many surgical or chronic illnesses.19 They are also highly specific and may contribute minimally to an understanding of the patient'due south overall health.19 Satisfaction is a complex notion with many determinants and is used every bit the ultimate issue of the delivery of health care services every bit it is a proxy for wellness, and its rating provides useful data about the structure, process, and outcomes of intendance.21,44 Morss et al, equally quoted past Alazri and Neal,21 reviewed 21 relevant qualitative studies and found that the domains used to assess patient satisfaction with intendance included availability of the physician, coordination in a multidisciplinary squad, competence, communication and relationships, ability to provide information and educate patients, responsiveness to emotional needs of patients, power to provide holistic care, and power to support patients' decision making. Satisfaction contributes to meliorate medical outcomes through fulfillment of patients' values and expectations.21 Patients who experience good processes and outcomes of care are more satisfied and therefore more than likely to continue maintaining the existing doctor-patient human relationship.21

The main independent predictors of satisfaction have been patients' perceptions of communication and partnership, and a positive md approach.27 Satisfaction strongly predicts compliance with treatment and medical outcomes in acute affliction.27 However, its apply in medical interviews to chronicle to patient-centeredness may be inaccurate as its scales include subscales on communication.27

A majority of the literature frequently uses patient satisfaction and adherence to decide the efficacy of the doctor-patient human relationship.7,39 The ability to generalize is limited, depending on, amid other things, the size and representative nature of the specific population,36 Satisfaction needs to be investigated with a tightly defined and homogenous case mix to explore cause and upshot of various factors on physician-patient communication.27 In addition, the Hawthorne effect (sensation that i is beingness observed and evaluated) is difficult to avoid in observational studies and may affect behavior.5,45


"The patient will never care how much you lot know, until they know how much you lot care." (Terry Canale in his American University of Orthopaedic Surgeons Vice Presidential Address9)

Doctor-patient communication is a major component of the process of health care.46 Doctors are in a unique position of respect and ability. Hippocrates suggested that doctors may influence patients' health.19 Constructive md-patient communication can be a source of motivation, incentive, reassurance, and support.19,47 A adept doctor-patient relationship can increase task satisfaction and reinforce patients' cocky-conviction, motivation, and positive view of their health status, which may influence their health outcomes.nineteen,47

Most complaints about doctors are related to problems of communication, non clinical competency.ix,29,42 Patients want doctors who can skillfully diagnose and treat their sicknesses as well every bit communicate with them effectively.32

Doctors with meliorate communication and interpersonal skills are able to detect problems before, can forestall medical crises and expensive intervention, and provide better support to their patients. This may lead to higher-quality outcomes and better satisfaction, lower costs of care, greater patient agreement of health bug, and better adherence to the handling process.29,32 At that place is currently a greater expectation of collaborative conclusion making, with physicians and patients participating as partners to achieve the agreed upon goals and the attainment of quality of life.32


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Is Any Contact Between A Patient And A Provider Of Service,


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